SENS Vision is an addition support offered on an hourly basis, only for the times when visual and verbal contact is appropriate.  We add two-way audio video to the individualized mix of sensors.  A member of the current support team or a College of Direct Support certified Sengistix Response Center Advocate uses the sensor information along with audio/video to be the real-time remote “staff on duty” during designated hours just for times when it’s needed.

This is a perfect solution for those times when a person typically doesn’t need physical assistance, but may need observation and some guidance – Just in case!  The person and his/her team provides an assessment of the needs, vulnerabilities and specific protocol for dealing with emergencies, minimizing risk and providing the training, guidance and support the person needs.  Just like a staff on site, Sengistix Response Center Advocates document activity, incidents, action taken and results on a person per shift basis – whether it’s 15 minutes or 12 hours.

SENS Vision can be regularly scheduled, or used on an “as needed” basis for respite or intermittent needs, with no minimum hours/day or days/year.  You may suspend or discontinue SENS Vision at any time. In addition to the base SENS monthly rate, SENS Vision is provided for $4.20/hour.  You pay only for the hours you use.  Like all Sengistix services, the associated equipment may either be purchased or rented.

SENS Vision Use Examples

Frank is aging with increasing mobility issues and suspected seizures. He gets a few hours a day of personal support but his team worried about him falling or having a seizure when he was alone. SENS Vision was added to a mix of sensors to detect falls and activity in private areas of his home. The two-way audio/video CONECT system was placed in the living room. Sengistix provided active support with SENS Vision during overnight and morning hours. 3 months later the Sengistix advocate suspected a problem during the middle of the night, called out to Frank who stumbled into living room and collapsed with a grand mal seizure. Acting quickly to get emergency services in the house, update them on Frank’s medical conditions and what happened, the Sengistix advocate ensured timely attention. After 3 days in hospital and 3 days with 24 hour staff, Frank returned to his prior routine of personal support staff and SENS Vision.

Mike has an intellectual disability and epilepsy, with short term memory issues and reduced fine motor skills. He is very independent in his apartment, including taking his meds. Lately he has had break through seizures and when his drop-in staff stop in they’ve occasionally found his meds sitting next to the sink (forgot his water, then put meds down to get water and forgot the meds) or found a few pills on the floor, where he accidentally dropped them. Sengistix MedMinder was used and SENS Vision added just for the times when Mike took his meds (10 – 30 min.) to remind him to get water first, verify he takes all his meds (none end up on floor) and remembers to document he took the meds.