Apartment Service Model Overview
- Serve people at a lower cost
- Enable people to live in own apartment
- Allow people to move out of group homes to more independent setting
- Maximize community integration
- Select large apartment complex
- Cooperative landlord to ease credit and rent history requirements
- Safe, on bus line, close to shopping
- Serve up to 18 people in complex with one-three staff on duty using technology to aid staff to be where they need to be when they need to be there
- Individuals rent open apartments
- Number of roommates depends on income and desire
- Call Pendants
- Silent call for help for individuals
- Tracks when staff is in an apartment
- Door and motion sensors
- Bed sensors (in most cases)
- Smoke alarm sensors
- Stove Guard
- Create individual service goals, expectations, and support needs
A Family United
Age: 25
Diagnosis: Dysthymic Disorder and Borderline Intellectual Functioning
Medical: None
Employment: Walgreens – night shift
Age: 27
Diagnosis: Mild Intellectual Disability and Delay in Development, unspecified
Medical: None
Employment: Car Wash – days
Age: 18 months
Diagnosis: None
Medical: None
Case Factors
- At six months, Josh suffered second degree burns on legs and back due to hot bath water.
- Josh was placed in foster care.
- Josh showing some delays due to lack of stimulation.
Julie and Devin both employed
They work opposing shifts and don’t need day care
Both Julie and Devin possess adequate daily living skills
They love each other, Josh and want to be good parents
- Devin has a drivers license
Devin has no involved family
Julie’s only family is against the relationship, their involvement is negative
Some alcohol and drug use
- Significant lack of child development knowledge (12 months – only toy was a rattle)
Reunite family and save Josh from life in foster care
Monitor the family to assure safety of child
- Develop positive parenting skills in Julie and Devin to maximize Josh’s development potential
The Plan for Family United
- Reunite the family in the new apartment program
- Use the technology to monitor the activity in the apartment and safety of Josh
- Program staff work with Julie and Devin on household safety, budget and bill paying, nutrition
- Parenting support trainers visit and work with Julie and Devin twice/week to improve parenting skills
Julie and Devin can keep Josh if they:
- Retain their jobs and pay all bills
- Maintain a safe environment for Josh
- Maintain insurance (MA eligibility)
- Demonstrate positive parenting skills
- Comply with expectations of both parenting support and independent living support
The Outcome of Family United
Family lived in apartment for five months:
- First few weeks two instances staff alerted to doors opening late and night and found:
- Visitors in apartment
- Music playing
- Josh not in bed
- Strong smell of marijuana
- Did not find any illegal drugs
- Staff reported to case manager, but urine test did not confirm drug use by parents
- Julie and Devin warned, care reviewed with parenting coach, but able to retain custody.
- To date, placement has been successful.
Equipment = $2,880 capital cost
Sengistix monthly fee of $99.95/month = $1,199.40/year
Comparative cost of Josh in foster care = unknown